My reading list

Here goes :

Read in recent times:

Interview with the vampire : As poetic as a gory vampire story can get.

Coming up for air:
Typical sublime Orwell classic.How we all strive for our childhood and want to re live it but alas can't do it in reality/totality

Vernon God little : Truly deserved the prize. Sarcastic,taunting and darkly humorous. A hint of Salinger is evident.

The fist of God:
As good a war novel as it gets told in the fluent Foresyth style.

Making History : The context was enticing but Stephen Fry is disappointing as an author in this one

Fault lines: Well researched with clear arguments. Rajan proving his mettle as an economist.

Fooled by Randomness : A jewel of a book. Can't seem to have enough praises for this one.

Ascent of Money : Hugely informative and gripping narrative. A must read for all lovers of finance.

Kafka on the shore : The best magical realism/surrealism work i have ever read. It's not a book, it's more of an experience where you transcend reality and venture into a strange new world which vaguely feels familiar. And Murakami was right that one needs to read the book many times to unravel the mystery. Well, i am game \m/

Stumbling on Happiness : A must read for anyone with even a hint of curiosity/interest/enthusiasm about psychology, human behavior and the mind.

Currently Reading :

100 years of solitude : Magical and fantastic as Garcia Marquez always is. But it kind of gets repetitive after a while.

A guinea pig's history of Biology : Looks really promising :)

Wish List :

Surely you are joking Mr Feynman

Dorian Gray

Chanakya's Chant

2 Response to "My reading list"

  1. Apurva Says:

    i m reading "surely you are joking Mr.Feynman" :)

    n would like to read stumbling upon happiness.!

  2. Manas Says:

    M sure Feynman mst b gr8 :) btw i ordered from flipkart , it din come :( they r tryin 2 send again

    n stumbling is gr8