Light... Darkness...Hope....

How often has it happened to you.

Life seems to be going along at immaculate pace like seasoned actors playing the perfect roles in a smooth screenplay in a prodigiously crafted script.The apt word to describe your existence and current state of being is --- Insouciant.

Then suddenly out of oblivion ---WHAM, a thunderbolt strikes you and sends you twirling into a downward bottomless spiral.A spiral where the depth is directly proportional to the misery,hopelessness and loneliness you experience.

Subdued by the dual burden of present problems and emotional attachment and memories of the glorious past,the process of fighting back is exacerbated.

So what does one do....

A possible answer can be summed up in the following lines from the poem "ULYSSES" by Lord Tennyson.....

We are not now that strength which in old days
Moved earth and heaven,
that which we are, we are,--
One equal temper of heroic hearts,
Made weak by time and fate, but strong in will
To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.

My First Love

I was barely 8 when i saw her.She was all dressed up in the latest trends of that season.I am thankful to my maa for uniting us.I marvelled at her color,her curvaceous body which seemed to fit into my hands as if she were not a discrete entity,rather my extension.
Though Maa introduced her to me, she got rather touchy about my growing involvement with my Sweet Heart.What Maa thought would be a casual friendship,a few hours of fun and frolic, turned into something beyond the sense of space and time.Our Relationship transcended reality.We spent hours on end ,together,sometimes snuggled together in bed, sometimes sitting on the bench beneath the gulmohar tree in my school.Sharing laughs and anguish,victories and defeats.Revelling in our common dreams , visiting far off planets,making new friends,flying through space..

It was brilliant.But I guess Fate had other plans ....We were separated.. It was the worst feeling i had ever experienced in my life.. Her disease won.. She lost.. We lost....

I tried to send her to her place of birth,Japan, with hope and tears in my eyes..That was the last i saw of her..

All i got was a regret letter and a final Photograph of her... Some Entities give you calmness and happiness even after their death... She was a perfect example..

I still Dream of her.. She left me but not her Spirit... I loved her and will continue doing so..

Forever and ever..

My love.. My first Hand Held Video Game.......... ;)



I just had a conversation with a dear friend studying in one of the best MBA Colleges of India.The Internship week is coming near and so he was busy giving the final touches to his CV.The problem with being among the best is that whatever you might be or have achieved in your life , is mitigated by someone or something.

As they say "There is always a bigger fish".

So this friend who has superb Academics and Extra Curricular record is tense about his CV and the competition and whether he will be selected by the Companies.

Is there any end to this.Personally I like competing.The Sweet taste of victory one experiences is Brilliant but i feel it is also suffocating.

What is more important .Competition or being happy?
Until you know that your neighbour drives a better car than you ,you would not start thinking about it.People say that don't look what others have.But such things do affect us,the magnitude varies from person to person.

Somehow i am not a very ambitious person, or that is what i feel , so somehow after such thoughts creep into my mind i find ways to pacify myself into being content with what i have got.

But the point is , what is all this competition leading us to.Yes competition brings out the best in us but what is the limit of competition. When is it enough to secure something and say yes this is it.Now i have proved myself and I am out of all this competition.

Sadly in today's Capitalist Economy with Cut Throat Competition where Running is the key to survival this case looks just jike  a figment of Imagination..

Though i say all this , I am also running the same race.

But the problem with such "Rat Race" is that even if you win you still are a RAT...That too running even after reaching the finish line since the track is circular and there is no Beginning and no End....

The Ride Home

I looked out of the Train Window and saw streaks of Bright White light flashing between voids of darkness.”The Story of my Life” I reflected.

I looked around and tried to decipher the faces that i saw.The stories that each one of them held back.The joys ,the apprehensions ,secrets.What would it feel like to read ones mind.Would that be a liberator , knowing everything or a daunting burden of being the uninvited keeper of people’s thoughts.

Whatever it might amount to,it would help me cut through the mess of Office Politics.
Yes,Office.The place I wanted to be my whole adult life.A place which took so much more away from me other than just effort, a part of my life.And now after all those years or hard work and sacrifice this is what its all come down to.A sense of Frustration and Emptiness.
Is this what life is?Is this what i wanted to be?

“Long day mate ”,asked the person sitting beside me in his Obnoxious Australian Accent.Wait , can he read my thoughts.Is it possible?Oh my God, is it so bad.Can they see it on my face?
“Yes, a really long day”.I grinned back.Faking a fake smile that i have mastered .
Am i the Victim here or the Tormentor just playing role of the Victim to understand him better.Have i not turned into what i fear most.

“Get a grip”,Control your emotions”.”Its just the exhaustion that's playing tricks on you”.The Hot Shot Manager in the Swanky Business Suit inside me shouted.Was it really inside me?
Was I really the person whom i project myself to be.Or has the Image Subdued the Subject.Was I the Prisoner of my own Reflection.

And then I saw her.

The Train Halted at my Station.I kept standing ---- Staring--- Thinking---- Dreaming--- Living.

..... to be continued.

Life .......

There arer 3 types o cases which one encounters in life.

1) You have complete control---- Studies,Career,What are you going to eat :)

There is a chance of Fate and Luck affecting it, but still you are in control.

2)You dont have Control---- Death, Accidents , Coming into wealth by of an Old Relative ;)

3) uYou hav partial control---- Relationships, love, Team Events.


You are 100% accountable for 1)

0% for 2)

and 0-100% for 3)which depends on a lot of factors.

To be happy and do the right things in life for the cases---

1)Make all the efforts that are possible according to your capability.Enjoy the Journey and accept the end if you have given your best shot.Else try again.

2)Since you don't have any control,don't worry and stop thinking about what's going to happen ,what could hav happend and what did not.

3)Think ,analyse and then decide if it's in your control or not.Then Make effort or accept the reality and let go off the Past.

Disillusioned,Confused and a bit Sad.

Yes, i am all the above ...The reasons--->

1)I had planned my future course of action according to my joining in october but till date there is no info about either Perot Systems or Infosys.I guess whatever you might plan in your life , you can never be confident enough.

2)I am supposidly preparing for CAT08 since 2 months but most of the preparation has been in planning what i will do , without actually doing anything.I waste whole day sleeping,thinking and wasting time.

3)I motivate myself to study every other day and i am really great motivator but my most promising talents of sleeping and lazyness get over all that motivation.

4)I am still confused as to what i want to do in my life except reading,sleeping,eating,watching movies,playing video games and headbanging.I have asked this question time and again but hav come out with Zilch each time.
I think being Really Great at one thing is far beter than being good at a lot of things.

5)My Mock Scores are going down in a negative difference A.P.

6)The Ghosts of my Past are making frequesnt appearances and i am not unable to Subdue them.

7)Somehow all these problems are creating confusions and problems with people who are close to me.

In short I am pretty much Messed up...
But I will get over it and will find a way i am sure sice-----"Winners don't give up,They Find a Way"

Are we Always Alone??

I happened to read an article in The Times of India today under the Speaking Tree Section of the Editorial.Here is the link

It actually got me thinking.I m a single child but have always had the company of friend.Thus i have never felt lonely or alone in my life.Also being a very lazy person always ready to doze of helps:)
But the point is,throughout the day when one is surrounded by people at work,home he doesn't generally feel alone , unless ,one is of the type who are "Bheed mein bhi akela".But when one goes to sleep(even with his beloved,not in the wrong sense ;)) he is alone.To himself.No one to disturb him,no one to say anything.People who fall asleep within nanoseconds of lying down are lucky since they don't have to be alone in this fashion.But most of us ,specially in their progressive years ,are not so lucky.

At this what does one feel.Lonely??
Change is the only constant think in this world is aptly said.We love our family and friends and of course girlfriends but will they be there for us always.I actually shiver at night when such thoughts creep into my mind.What will I do?

I find solace by the fact that i will still have my books,music,movies,sports etc etc .But as the article said eventually one has to be alone.According to the article,one should love God the most since he will be with you forever.I am not a Cynic nor an Atheist but Isn't that a way of Believing that you are the only one who Will always be with you.

What is God.A Manifestation of Perfection.One who is Strong,Invincible,Powerful.Who gives courage and happiness and bliss.Are these not the qualities of what just about everyone aspires to be in his life.
We are gifted with people who take care o us when we are born.Then along the way we meet people and bond with them but all along the only person who is constantly with one is himself.

People say there are Soul mates.I guess i am not lucky since i have not found mine in my 23 years of existence.But even if there is ,will he or she be with you forever?

People fret and complain and cry over the argument that no one loves me,no one understands me.
But the one person who loves you the most and who understands you more and better than anyone else in the world is ......

The one who stares at you every day when you look into the Mirror!!!
Its been Centuries since i wrote.Well i have partly been busy but the
main reason is that i am LAZY.Anyways, after reading the blogs of Sid
and Rupali i got pumped up to write something myself.I cooked up like
thousands blogs in my mind but never got around writing any of them.My
Laziness , he he :).

I saw WALL.E yesterday.Its an animated movie by
PIXAR, and arguably the most sensitive animated movie ever.Whats it
about.A fairly unconventional topic, but conventional in its own
sense.Its about love , between Robots.Now how is it possible for a
robot,a machine,to love.Well lets say its science fiction,there are no
limits to imagination.

Its about love and how a robot evolves emotionally and learns to love
and to make friends (here a cockroach which has yet again survived the
destruction of earth).

Its about saying the name of your beloved in the most sweet voice,
like a jingle.Like it's etched on your mind forever,a part of your
whole being.Just the sound of her name brings so much happiness to you
that you want to shout out of joy how much you love her.How saying and
writing her name gives you the assurance that she is there for
you,waiting for you,thinking about you and loving you.

Its about the most basic expressions of love.Holding hands.About the
feeling of being one with her.The feeling that you are connected to
her and nothing can separate you from her.The feeling of longing and
despair when you are far away from her and can sacrifice anything for
just a simple touch of her hands.

Its about the extreme happiness one experiences while watching the
most breath taking natural beauty in the arms of your beloved.How
simple and common things can give so much pleasure if one is in the
right company.How time flies away and you wish you could be there

Its about Music and how ,as Shakespeare has said ,Music is the food of

Its about dancing and how it becomes sheer poetry in motion when you
are with you beloved.

Its about the Courage,effort and sacrifice one has to make to save
ones love.

Its about the future of mankind and its doom due to the abuse of
earth.A future where men have to depend on robots for everyday
chores,where they can't read on their own,they can't walk,can't even
talk properly.A future where one does not know what love is.
And how Robots teach men to love,again.

And its about hope.

Go watch it whenever it releases in India, i sure hope it does.