The train rambled on at its usual pace. It was one of those moments when you relive your childhood and experience the sheer joy of not having a single care in the world. Sitting on the steps of a train door at midnight seemed such a rare luxury now. The sensation of cold air brushing my face reminded me of all those impetuous journeys made during college days with friends. Sleepy villages passed by illuminated only by the light of the full moon flaunting its glory. It seemed perfect but nothing was perfect without her.
Fond memories flooded my mind. It had been a night like this. Only the three pink carnations picked up hastily before boarding the train were missing. It was difficult to tell whether the sweet smile waltzing across her face was more enchanting or the musical sound of her voice calling out my name over the din of the crowded railway station. I hastily hid the flowers in my backpack. It was a business trip after all. Whatsoever the state of my heart might have been, my mind prevented me from pouring out my feelings.
"But there is no logic in love", my heart pleaded.
"I hope you remember the agony that proceeded after following and believing the above proposition”, my mind reasoned.
Torn between conflicting emotions, I greeted her. We boarded the train and chatted for a while about the trip and the market situation. It was an overnight journey and we were supposed to report to our boss early morning. Even then we were up till late at night, chatting. Our conversation, as usual, flowed smoothly.
It was perfect. Our attitude, likes, dislikes values. But the ghosts of my past hovered over me. How perfect things are at first but the burden of time and reality slowly corrodes the very base of the relationship. Past cannot always predict the future but it surely can affect it, in both positive and negative ways. The latter was in progress now.
We decided to call it a day. She climbed on her berth. I could not resist and my heart got the better of my mind. I slipped the 3 carnations into her hands.
Coming back to reality, I went back to my berth. The compartment was dark and silent. I switched on the side lamp and looked at the most beautiful face I had ever seen. Maybe it was the ambience or the carnations or just me, 30 years ago. Whatever the reason might have been, I recollected the sound of those words.
“Thank you for the flowers. They are just amazing”.
“No problem, I picked them along the way. Good night. Sleep well”.
“Sweet dreams .Umm…. Manas , I think I am falling in love with you”.
I switched off the lamp and closed my eyes.
“I guess there is no logic in love after all “