happened to read an article in The Times of India today under the Speaking Tree Section of the Editorial.Here is the link
http://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/Opinion/Lord_Kirshna_in_my_wallet/articleshow/3270241.cmsIt actually got me thinking.I m a single child but have always had the company of friend.Thus i have never felt lonely or alone in my life.Also being a very lazy
person always ready to doze of helps:)
But the point is,throughout the day when one is surrounded by people at work,home he
doesn't generally feel alone , unless ,one is of the type who are "
Bheed mein bhi akela".But when one goes to sleep(even with his beloved,not in the wrong sense ;)) he is alone.To himself.No one to disturb him,no one to s
ay anything.People who fall asleep within nanoseconds of lying down are lucky since they don't have to be alone in this fashion.But most of us ,specially in their progressive years ,are not so lucky.
At this what does one feel.Lonely??
Change is the only constant think in this world is aptly said.We love our family and friends and
of course girlfriends but will they be there for us always.I actually shiver at night when such thoughts creep into my mind.What will I do?
I find solace by the fact that i will still have my books,music,movies,sports etc etc .But as the article said
eventually one has to be alone.According to the article,one should love God the most since he will be with you forever.I am not a Cynic nor an Atheist but
Isn't that a way of
Believing that you are the only one who
Will always be with you.
What is God.A Manifestation of Perfection.One who is Strong,Invincible,Powerful.Who gives courage and happiness and bliss.Are these not the qualities of what just about everyone aspires to be in his life.
We are gifted with people who take care o us when we are born.Then along the way we meet people and bond with them but all along the only person who is constantly with one is himself.
People say there are
Soul mates.I guess i am not lucky since i have not found mine in my 23 years of existence.But even if there is ,will he or she be with you forever?
People fret and complain and cry over the argument that
no one loves me,
no one understands me.
But the one person who loves you the most and who understands you more and better than anyone else in the world is ......
The one who stares at you every day when you look into the Mirror!!!